The auto-adjustable bra combines new technologies such as soft robotics, computational design, and e-textiles to develop a bra that uses a pneumatic system to compensate for severe asymmetries in breast volume (Anisomastia). In the present work, the bra aims to adjust to the measurements of a woman’s breasts through air channels which are located in the internal mesh of the bra cup. This inflatable structure gives a balance in the breasts’ volume while holding them. Furthermore, the conductive fabric that covers the bra cup works as a sensor to control the air injection system by comparing the fabric’s resistance in both bra cups to match and signal the air pump to stop the air injection. Thus, the bra keeps in shape and the air pump is disengaged. The project could have a global impact on women with Anisomastia by raising their self-esteem, recovering their emotional balance, and possibly enhancing their social and sexual relationships.
2019 – Auto-adjustable Bra for Women with a Pronounced Alteration in Breast Volume. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 429-435. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294109.3300982
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TEI 2019: Demo Session

Fabricademy 2017-2018: Final Project Overview

Fabricademy 2017-2018: Final Project Presentation